Re: Custom widget headache

On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 04:15:38PM +0200, Daniel Haude wrote:
Hello folks,

I'm trying to build a custom widget, following the route that is outlined  
for the "GtkDial" widget in the GTK+ tutorial. I'm already stuck at the  
very beginning -- type registration. My widget is called "cw_area", and I  
followed the usual naming conventions

Well, not exactly.  Structs of MyFoo are normally called
_MyFoo, not MyFoo_t, the same for classes: MyFooClass and
struct _MyFooClass.


GtkType cw_area_get_type()
      static GtkType area_type = 0;

      if (!area_type) {
              static const GtkTypeInfo area_info = {
                      sizeof (CwArea),
                      sizeof (CwAreaClass),
                      (GtkClassInitFunc) cw_area_class_init,
                      (GtkObjectInitFunc) cw_area_init,
                      /* reserved_1 */ NULL,
                      /* reserved_1 */ NULL,
                      (GtkClassInitFunc) NULL

              area_type = gtk_type_unique(GTK_TYPE_WIDGET, &area_info);
      return area_type;

If the Gtk+ tutorial

mentions GtkType, GtkTypeInfo or gtk_type_unique() anywhere,
it should be immediately fixed.

I don't know what exactly happens if one tries to use the
old Gtk+ 1.x type functions together with GObject, but
screwup is a likely possibility.

Please ditch the Gtk+ tutorial which told you to use the
GtkType stuff and rewrite the code to use GObject accodring
to The Real Gtk+ Tutorial.


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