Re: building a library using gtk+

So I try to build a library.
libglpp.a: $(OBJ3) GLPPmain.o
     #g++ -shared $(OPT) $(DEBUG) $(OBJ3) GLPPmain.o -o
`pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0` $(LIBS) -lftgl
     ar r libglpp.a $(OBJ3) GLPPmain.o

The first line did not work, and I'm hoping someone can give me the
right set of command line arguments. I want to resolve the links to all
the libraries and build a library of my own.
The ar line works, but all it does is combine the objects into a library
which does nothing to resolve the dependencies.

I'm not sure, but can static/archive libraries have dependencies? I think you need to build a shared/dynamic library.

rick jones
still only getting started with all this...

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