problem on file io

Hi all ,
 I am facing a problem in file io.
 The issue is that i use libwnck to get the current active window and then need to  append it and the 
timestamp in a file .
 This is where i am facing a problem. When i looked at the gtk's help base i couldn,t find any file io 
functions, so I decided to use the simple C file io mechanism now here i face a very big probs.
 C is not designed to handle multi-byte chars.
 Now i use "mbstowcs()" to convert multibyte to wchar.
 this is working fine, i think, now when i try to write this to file using fwprintf or fputws i get warning 
for implicit declaration of these functions and nothing happens in file and the screen also.
 the code i am using is :-- 
 # include <glib/gprintf.h>
 # include <libwnck/libwnck.h>
 # include <gdk/gdk.h>
 # include <gtk/gtk.h>
 # include <glib.h>
 # include <stdio.h>
 # include <stdlib.h>
 # include <unistd.h>
 # include <fcntl.h>
 # include <time.h>
 # include <wchar.h>
 # include <string.h>
 # include <stdarg.h>
 -----------some global declarations ---------
 exe_dir = g_path_get_dirname(argv[0]);
 file_name = g_strdup_printf("%s/data.log",exe_dir);
     memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (state));
 logfile = fopen (file_name,"a");
 fwide(logfile,0); // gives implicit declaration too
 gtk_main ();
     fclose (logfile);
 int timeout_func() 
     //screen = wnck_screen_get_default() ;
     char *file_str;
     int fp;
     GError **error;
     WnckWindow* window1 = wnck_screen_get_active_window(screen);
     time1 = time(NULL);
     gulong win_xid = wnck_window_get_xid (window1);
     if (win_xid != last_active_xid)
         last_window = window1;
         last_time = time1 ;
         last_active_xid = win_xid;
         last_name = wnck_window_get_name(window1);
         last_app = wnck_window_get_application (window1);
         last_app_name = wnck_application_get_name(last_app);
         last_pid = wnck_application_get_pid(last_app);        
         file_str = g_strdup_printf("/proc/%d/cmdline",last_pid);
         fp = open(file_str , O_RDONLY); 
         g_printf("\nfp = %d , time = %ld\n",fp,(long int)last_time);
         if (fp > -1)
             read(fp , last_app_command , 1000);
         close (fp);
         g_printf("win_xid = %lu , name = %s , pid = %d \n filename = %s , appname = %s , command = %s\n" , 
last_active_xid , last_name ,last_pid , file_str , last_app_name , last_app_command);
         char * str = g_strdup_printf("%s,%ld\n",last_app_command,(long int)last_time) ;
         int count = g_utf8_strlen(str,-1);
         int size = count *6 ;
         g_printf ("\nstring   =  %s, size = %d , strlen =  %d\n" , str ,  size,count); //fputs(str ,logfile),
         wchar_t *dest = NULL ; 
         int count1 = mbstowcs(dest , str,count+2);//,&state);
         fwprintf (logfile,"%ls",dest);//"\nwidestring   =  %ls",
     return TRUE;
 also i am using this to compile and build :-----------
 gcc -Wall -O2 keytrap.c -o keyboard `pkg-config --cflags --libs libwnck-1.0`
 the only probs here is the file handling 
 can somebody please tell me what is wrong here and the write prcedure too .
 thanks in advance .........
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