Re: gdk_threads_leave in gtk callback ?

Vladimir wrote:

I'm writing program with several threads each of which uses gtk.
I need to wait for one of the threads in gtk-generated callback. I can't do
it directly because of gdk lock. So the question is: can I temporarily
release gdk lock in gtk-generated callback ? Will it cause any problems ?

You should know that accessing GDK / GTK+ functions from different
threads is bad programming practice, because GTK+ is not thread-safe.
Trying to compensate this properly on application side (using
gdk_threads_enter() + gdk_threads_leave() ) would result in quite some
code overhead, likely some performance penalty and is error-prone.

Even worse sounds the idea of "waiting for something" inside a GTK+
callback. They are supposed to finish as quickly as possible. Everything
else sounds like great potential for deadlocks.

So the answer is: no. Even if your app doesn't crash immediately, it may
do so sometime later in arbitrary states, possibly leaving you with no
trace where to search for the cause of the crash.

Generally, the better way would likely be, to set a global flag when the
thread you want to wait for, finishes. A GTK+ handler must not wait for
this, but rather be able to deal with both situations appropriately:
either the other thread hasn't finished yet, then exit immediately. If
the other thread has finished, then do what you originally wanted to.

If your handler is not supposed to be executed at all before the other
thread has finished, then you should prevent the handler to be called,
rather than attempting to wait within the handler until the other thread
finishes. You know, there are multiple options for preventing handlers
to be executed.

You're free to use multiple threads for arbitrary computations within
your program. But you really should not access GTK+ / GDK from within
each of them. It makes programming more complicated and error-prone and
the graphics output a bit slower (due to all the thread locks that need
to be provided). Leaving all the GDK / GTK+ stuff to just one thread
would definitely be the better idea. Since you started with programming
multiple threads you should also know how to signal a central GTK+ / GDK
thread what to do from other threads, don't you?

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