Re: Reducing space between treeview rows

I've tried different themes as well as setting xthickness and ythickness manually in both my theme's rc file and the applications rc file.

Gus Koppel wrote:
Doug McLain wrote:

I am trying to reduce the spacing between rows of text in a single column treeview. Ive been experimenting with both the ypad and height properties. They both work in adding space, but neither will take any space out. Seems like anything less than about ypad=3 doesn't do anything. With a font size of 8, there is almost enough space between rows to fit another row in between them. Even trying a tiny font size for troubleshooting purposes, doesnt bring the rows any closer together. Can someone help, please?

If it's not because late GTK+ versions have changed their behaviour here
then likely your current GTK+ theme is interfering with your pad
setting. Try some other themes. Basically, ypad = 0 should make a
difference. I use it, too. Unfortunately, as also the vartype shows,
negative ypad values are not supported.
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