Re: Question about GdkColor

yeajchao wrote:

Hello all
    I am chinese,I am sorry for my terriblly poor English !

    I have confused about GdkColor
    In general,the RGB color mode ,the red or green or blue's value is from 0
to 255
   But ,the GdkColor ,the value  is from 0 to 65535

  My question is ,how to map (0--255) to (0--65535)

  For example ,i have a general color (245,222,179)
   map it to GdkColor ,what is the value ?

Let's use some basic maths:

245     x
--- = -----
255   65535

Solving for x, we discover that

x = 245*65535 / 255 = 62965

And that's the value for red. Similar calculations will provide the values for green and blue.

BTW, using hexadecimal base this "conversion" gets simpler. Try for yourself.

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