I need advises ;)

Hi all ,
I'm a french developer (so sorry for my unusual english ;)).
I'm trying to include in a project a GTK2.0 interface.
The squeleton of the interface is made, but now I need to plug my code to
the interface.
First question in a function, I what to put in a Gtk list a C structure
which is composed like folow :
typdef struct {
char* FileName[13];
int Length;
int User;
} mystruct;

I would like to put a pointer of my structure (64 mystruct), in a gtk list.
I would like that this list will be displayed in a scrolled window, and each
line would be selected by a mouse event.
One structure displayed by line.

So my question is
which gtk list do you advise me ? And how to store my pointer of structure
to that list ?
It have got all the properties quoted above. It means one structure by line,
and it can be selected by a mouse even ?



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