Re: Subject Prefix in the mailing list

Olaf FrÄczyk wrote:
On Fri, 2006-06-30 at 04:34 -0700, Van H Tran wrote:
Hi all,
I'm just wondering if gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
should include some prefix, something like
[gtk-app-dev] before each subject? 

I'm subscribed to a few mailing lists and it can get
quite confusing sometimes.


Adding prefix makes subjects less readable.

Just filter it by "Sender" header and put it in different folder.
If you use IMAP it can be done on server side (eg. using sieve if using
cyrus imap server). If not, you can do it on client side (most non-
ancient MUAs support this).

This works, until someone cross-post something to several lists. Then
your filters break and everything end up in the same folder anyway :-)


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