Re: Is there any widget on which I can plot my own primitives?

2006/6/20, Mason <masonduan tom com>:
Thank you for your attention! I just need to draw primitives like point,
line, rectangle, circle...... But I don't know what widget to use.

Well, a lot of people understand primitives as "low level functions"
that are already made for doing high level stuff. For example, in
opengl you have triangles or polygon primitives.They are quadratic
curves too. They could be almost everything you need for making
something more abstract...

Returning to the point, when you go to gtk web page:

you see on the left "documentation"
there is GTK 2.0 Tutorial, here you can see  "Scribble, A Simple
Example Drawing Program" as a reference, looking at it you can
understand how it uses the GDK library for painting dots.

So you need to know how to use GDK.go to "documentation"->API
reference->GDK. You see "Points, Rectangles and Regions".Now if you
want a function description, go to index, and search the
function.(Recommended to use tabbed brownsing in your brownser.)

You need an area to paint(drawable), and then use gdk_draw_line () for example.

If you find it difficult to understand, I recommend you to buy a book
of Gtk, with code examples that make near what you try to accomplish.

Good luck
            Jose Hevia

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