A GNU automake problem

Hello folks,

this question is a bit off-topic in this group; however, it is related to a GTK-based application I'm writing, so bear with me.

I'm trying to get automake to set a compiler flag when compiling a
specific binary. My Makefile.am looks (in part) like this:


CFLAGS = -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -g


bin_PROGRAMS = ctops-gui gen_gui_data

gen_gui_data_SOURCES = \
        gen_gui_data.c \


ctops_gui_SOURCES = \
        main.c \


gui_data.c gui_data.h : gen_gui_data




Well, this just doesn't work. The -DCODE_GENERATOR option isn't set
when compiling the sources for gen_gui_data. I looked at the resulting
Makefile, and sure enough at some point it contains the line


but the gen_gui_data_CFLAGS variable isn't used at any point.

Says the Autotools doc:

Automake allows you to set compilation flags on a per-program (or
per-library) basis.
These per-target compilation flags are [...] _CFLAGS,

So why doesn't it work? I tried it in both versions 1.4-p6 and 1.9.5.

dunno stoptrick com

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