How to limit signal propagation?


now I that I goy my custom widget working, of course there are more questions.

This widget has no less than five adjustments associated with it -- the widget lets the user select a rectangular region from a large square area; the rectangle has a center point, a width, a height, and it can be rotated. These five parameters are also reflected onto five spinbuttons.

As the user drags and rotates the rectangle with the mouse, the widget keeps emitting "value_changed" signals to the five adjustments so that the spinbuttons' contents are continuously updated. Of course the "value_changed" signals are also reflected back into the widget's five callbacks, each of which initiates the recalculation of the rectangle's corners' coordinates and a re-draw of the window. That's five redraws where one will do.

I tried to make the redraw of the widget dependent on a flag set and unset by enter and leave events, but that doesn't work when the user activates the spinbuttons by keyboard while leaving the pointer inside my widget.

Suggestions, anyone?


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