status of archive indicies? GObject exmaples

Hi -

I am trying to get netperf4 ( a bit more "in the 90's" :) and thinking that GObjects, signaling and the event loop might nicely take the place of the current mass of launched threads for instantiating tests and dealing with test dependenices. (one day, netperf4 may have a GUI and IIRC making gtk calls from multiple threads is doubleplusungood in the Windows port) I've had some success using the glib eventloop for the "netserver" side so am now thinking of the second system as it were.

To that end, I've tried to read the GObject tutorial, but am looking for other examples of GObject use for an old-fart C programmer.

Anyway, I went to search the email archive, and dont' seem to get any hits no matter what I use as a search term. I finally noticed this text:

   NOTICE (2006-07-08): We're re-building the archive search indexes (again). It
   bombed out silently last time leaving lockfiles in place (and archives
   unsearchable). Please bear with us while we try to get it sorted out. --
   GNOME sysadmin team.

rick jones

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