propagating errors w.r.t. quark/domain visibility

Is it considered bad form to g_propagate_error() a custom error back to a caller, when the error domain, enum and quark definitions are not visible to the caller?


--bar.h--  (an internal module, not seen by the caller)
typedef enum
} BarError;

#define BAR_ERROR  bar_error_quark ()

GQuark bar_error_quark (void) G_GNUC_INTERNAL;

--foo.h-- (a module with external visibility, called by users)

void   do_foo (GError **error);


#include bar.h
void   do_foo (GError **error)
   GError *local_error = NULL;

    ... error occurs ...

  local_error = g_new_error (BAR_ERROR, BAR_ERROR_THIS, "this error");
  g_propagate_error (error, local_error);

When do_foo() returns the error to the caller, the user will have in his hands an error that occurred "deeply" in the code with a domain and error code that cannot be identified, e.g. with g_error_match(). The error can still, of course, be reported with g_error (error->message) and it can be cleared/freed or even
propagated further.



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