Re: How to switch focus to another UI ?

On 26-Jul-2006 Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
gtk-app-devel-list amnesia accessgate com sg wrote:
Hi all,

This should do it:

but. but. but...

I already HAVE the focus call (it's in the callback in the code i attached),
and THAT's what's really puzzling me.

I may be wrong... maybe you have to also ensure that the toplevel window
also has focus...

This might be the key. so any hints/clues how to set focus to the top level
window ?

According to the link you just sent (something which I was programming against
earlier, by the way :):

    gtk_widget_grab_default ()

        Causes widget to have the keyboard focus for the GtkWindow it's inside.
        widget must be a focusable widget, such as a GtkEntry; something like
        GtkFrame won't work. (More precisely, it must have the GTK_CAN_FOCUS
        flag set.)

so it seems to me that a top-level window won't be able to be used, because
it won't be able to grab KEYBOARD (I'm thinking input here, is this wrong?)

thoughts ? hints ?

thanks for the pointer, by the way,




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| Greg Hosler                                   greg hosler per sg    |

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