ComboBox questions

boBox questions


I've got a few questions about the ComboBox (or ComboBoxEntry) with many
items/entries. I didn't find anything about that in the documentation, but
maybe you can help me:

- can I somehow control in which "direction" (up or down) the popup appears ?
  or can I control scroll-position of the list in the popup ?
  currently, when there's more space on the screen above the combobox, the
  combobox-popup opens _above_ the combobox and the list scrolls to the _end_:(
  it looks like this:
    |     ^    |
    | entry 97 |
    | entry 98 |
    | entry 99 |
   |combobox v|

  what I want:
   +----------+              +----------+
   |combobox v|    -- or --  | entry 1  |
   +----------+              | entry 2  |
    | entry 1  |             | entry 3  |
    | entry 2  |             |    v     |
    | entry 3  |            +----------+
    |     v    |            |combobox v|
    +----------+            +----------+

- assume a combobox with many entries in its list, and assume that a
  combobox-entry (i.e. entry 50) is currently selected. is it possible,
  that this entry is directly (without scolling) shown/highlighted when
  I click on the combobox ?
  something like this:
  +-----------+            +-----------+
  | entry 50 v| --CLICK--> | entry 50 v| 
  +-----------+            +-----------+
                            |    ^     |
                            | entry 49 |
                            | entry 50 |
                            | entry 51 |
                            |    v     |
- can the entries wrap in the other direction ?
  | 1   5   9 |  instead of | 1   2   3 |
  | 2   6  10 |             | 4   5   6 |
  | 3   7     |             | 7   8   9 |
  | 4   8     |             | 10        |
  +-----------+             +-----------+

- can I add a scrollbar to the ComboBox-popup ?


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