Re: easy gtk-programm fault

Daniel Dieterle schrieb:

> since some days i try to code my first gtk program. it 's not more than a window with a label in it.
> the code is that:
>> #include <gtk/gtk.h>
>> int main( int argc,
>>                 char *argv[] )
>> {
>>         GtkWidget *label1;
>>                 gtk_init (&argc, &argv);

>>         label1 = gtk_label_new ("Hallo Du");

>> //      gtk_label_set_text (label1,"wie gehts?");

> but my aim is to change the text in the label. and if i uncomment the "gkt_label_set_text ..."-line, gcc (gcc label.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0`) shows a warning:
>> label.c: In Funktion »main«:
>> label.c:22: Warnung: Verarbeiten des Argumentes 1 von »gtk_label_set_text« von inkompatiblem Zeigertyp > which means that the "label1" in the "set_text"-line is a incompatible pointertype, i think.
Use gtk_label_set_text (GTKL_LABEL(label1),"wie gehts?");

You declared label1 as a GtkWidget, so you have to cast using this macro.

Greetings, Bernd

Bernd Münt                   Durchwahl: 030/69032-509
euroscript Deutschland GmbH  Zentrale:  030/69032-300
Abteilung IT-Management      Fax:       030/69032-505
Alt-Moabit 91                Mail:      Bernd Muent euroscript de
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