Diacanvas group - help

I want to add a text-label to a dia-canvas image, using a group:

group = dia_canvas_item_create(dia_canvas_group_get_type(),

item1 = dia_canvas_group_create_item (DIA_CANVAS_GROUP(group),
  dia_canvas_image_get_type() ,
 "image", prova1, "width", (gdouble) gdk_pixbuf_get_width(prova1),
 "height", (gdouble) gdk_pixbuf_get_height(prova1), NULL);

item2 = dia_canvas_group_create_item(DIA_CANVAS_GROUP(group),
DIA_TYPE_TEXTBOX, "width", 64.0, "height", 30.0, NULL);
g_object_set(DIA_TEXTBOX(item2)->text, "font", font_desc, "text", text, "editable", FALSE, "markup", TRUE, NULL);
dia_canvas_groupable_add(DIA_CANVAS_GROUPABLE(canvas->root), group);

I hope that the new object (group = image + text) will be a unique object, but if I move the image....the text remain in its position. I need to "glue" image and text like a new and linked object (in order to identify all the object in the canvas with their label).
Any idea?



| Msn:    |             -ask me-            |
       We don't need no education
     We don't need no thought control
     No dark sarcarm in the classroom
      Teachers leave the kids alone
All in all it's just another brick in the wall
_______________[Pink Floyd]__________________

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