model_filter with combo_box

Hi all,
First excuse my bad english.
I have a problem with the combination from model, model_filter und
gtk_combo_box. When we use model with combo_box all works fine. We empty
the model and fill the model -all item are visible. Now we want use
model_filter, to filter some items. But it doesn't work. When we create
a empty model, build a model_filter and set this model to the combo_box,
its ok. Then we fill the model with 4 items, so we see 7 items in the
option menu ( 0,1,2,3,1,2,3). I can every item select and I get the
rigth item. When we now empty the model and fill it again, the appl
crash when I will select an item. OK, we thougthwe have set the model to
NULL and set the model new, but the result is the same.
Can anybody help us.
Thanx Bernd

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