Re: Not receiving input w/ multiple renderers in a TreeViewColumn

Am Mittwoch, den 22.02.2006, 01:48 -0600 schrieb Gabriel Burt:
In F-Spot we have a TreeView for showing all the tags.  It has three
columns: a checkbox, an icon, and a name.

I'm trying to put all three of these renderers into one column so the
hierarchy will expand nicer (instead of the icon/name of a child lined
up with those of it's parent).

When I do that (put all the renderers into one column), if I click the
checkbox when I already have that tag's row selected, it toggles just

But when I try to click the checkbox without having the row selected
(highlighted) first, instead of toggling and selecting that row it
selects the row.

This sounds like a bug. I'm not aware of any other application doing
similar things, some menu editors use checkboxes, but don't pack them
into one column together with other cell renderes. Maybe you could come
up with a little C testcase and file a bug report?

Christian Neumair <chris gnome-de org>

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