Re: GTK and threaded applications

Thanks for your generous help. I will try Michael's suggestion and see how it works.

I would like to implement all GTK calls in the main program as Tristan suggested, but this seems to be very complex (must implement asynch. queues of data going back and forth between threads and main(), where screen updates and user inputs take place.

Question: it seems to me that GTK puts the burden of locking (and the responsibility to understand GTK internals) in the wrong place: the user of GTK. Would it not be better if GTK took care of its own locking and blocking in those places where it is necessary? Is this in the roadmap for GTK, or should it be?

I have written multi-threaded applications in Win32, and I never worried about locks and thread blocking (except for my own application's business).

I have not looked at KDE. Any better?

thanks again,

Just put the gdk_* threads and flush calls around the actual GTK calls.
that way only gui updates themselves are put in mutexes (locked).  The
way you are currently doing it, your actual business logic ends up in
the mutex, and so if it is lengthy, it will block all the other threads.


     overall you'll have a cleaner program design if you put
all your GUI interaction in the main thread.

Now if I'm reading you right; what your experiencing is normal,
calling gdk_threads_enter/leave is locking a global mutex for
GTK/GDK interaction.

The rule is, you cant have two threads access the GTK+ api
at once, so:
     o You can have a multithreaded application using GTK+
     o You can even go to the extreme of calling GTK+ functions
       from seperate threads, but you must take care to lock
       GTK+ down with gdk_threads_enter/leave()
     o You *cant* call GTK+ functions from more than one thread
       and expect GTK+ to execute simultainiously.


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