helpme starting to develop applications with GTK+

hi everyone.
now i'm starting to develop application with GTK+ to support cross platform(unix-like system,mac-os,windows).
so i will tend to use a mingw and msys on windows(xp-sp2).
first, i try to build and compile GTK+(2.8.9) on msys.
    previously i unzip GTK+ source to '/sdk/gtk/' that i made directory.
    then 'gtk+-2.8.9' directory is created by unzip.

second, i try to build and compile GTK+ as that FAQ or INSTALL files in gtk+-2.8.9 directory guide. that is, i moved path to the 'gtk+-2.8.9' directory and typed following at prompt of msys:
       after configure processing  completed then typeing fowlloing .
      meke install

in this time, make's error founded as 'make *** No targets specified and no makefile. Stop.
therefore i  can't the next doing .
i want to know why these occur and what i need to organize IDE to develop application with GTK+?
additional i use msvc6,  what is the appropriate IDE i can choice?


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