Re: gtk_widget_size_request v. reality

How do I force a parent to tell the child how much space will be available
to the child at this time?  Is it even possible?  Do I really have to call
gtk_widget_set_size_request()/gtk_widget_size_request() on every parent so
that the children have something to work with?

Use an alignment and set the Left/Right Padding in a callback for
"size-request" of the parent.

I'm new to GTK, but as far as I can tell, most GTK tutorials and
documentation don't really cover packing widgets when homogeneous, expand,
and fill are not all set to TRUE (if only I could just let GTK do it all for


Open up glade, create a dummy project and play around with it. I got
around a bunch of GTK's crummy documentation by doing this. You can
also consider using glade and libglade in your app, instead of just as
an exploration tool.


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