GtkTextView and libxml2 questions...

Dear friends,

In a given dialog, I would like to have a GtkTextView showing a brief text extracted from an XML node. This text, in other turn, should have been created in another GtkTextView (and, sure, saved as content of an appropriate XML node).

Question 1: I would like to have in this text some formatting, at least some line breaks. I have read the docs about gtk_text_buffer_get_text returning a big string (gchar*), but the docs (and Google) are not clear about *whether* and *how* the line breaks, tab spaces and such are represented in this big string. Are they set as C escape sequences, such as '\n', '\t', and such? Or RTF, or Pango, or something else alike?

Question 2: The and Google finds are also/ /*not* clear about the use of "printf" escaping sequences as content in libxml nodes. From your experience, do you know if there is any problem in using them? I normally use libxml functions like xmlNewTextChild and xmlNodeGetContent, which automatically convert the XML escape/special characters, with enough precision for my needs; but do you know if libxml can deal with such things internally?

Question 3: related to the questions above, also from your experience, how do you read a text from XML and place it on a GtkTextBuffer, and how do you get text from a GtkTextBuffer and save it to XML?

Question 4: how do you all deal with this gchar/xmlChar issue from using libxml with GLib/GTK? This looks weird to me: both GTK and libxml clearly state that they use UTF-8 encoding internally; but xmlChar is a "unsigned char" and gchar is just like a normal, signed "char". I have been placidly ignoring the difference, though I know that this may cause problems when I start working on the internationalization of RADiola. What should be The Right Way?

Thank you all and best regards!

Fabricio Rocha
Brasilia, Brasil

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