Re: Finding Version of GTK installed


      I'm still having problems.  When I run java tool and view all of the
LaF's GTK is displayed, however gtk isn't available in the pkg-config

It appears that GTK isn't installed.  Just to be clear, GTK is installed
with Red Hat OS correct?  I installed all the packages when installing the
OS and I assumed that it would be installed.  And java picks it up.  Also
there are other gtk packs in the pkgconfig folder, such as gkt-engines-2.pc
.  Do you or anyone know why the required info is not in pkgconfig?  Thanks

(Embedded image moved to file: pic07505.gif)torolab
David VandePol
Software Developer
WebSphere Application Server - Install
IBM Canada
Tel: (905) 413 - 2495
E-mail: vandepol ca ibm com

             John Coppens                                                  
             <john jcoppens co                                             
             m>                                                         To 
                                       David Vande Pol/Toronto/IBM IBMCA   
             12/04/2006 01:24                                           cc 
             PM                        gtk-app-devel-list gnome org        
                                       Re: Finding Version of GTK          

On Mon, 4 Dec 2006 13:09:46 -0500
David Vandepol <vandepol ca ibm com> wrote:

a gtk-config file is not created in /usr/lib or anyplace
for that matter.  I was wondering if anyone knew how to determine the
version of GTK installed, or any file(s) that would contain this

gtk-config was for GTK+ version 1.x. From 2.0 on, the version can
be interrogated by

pkg-config --modversion gtk+    (for version 1.2.x)

pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0  (for version 2.x - the 2.0 is

use --modversion, not --version (the latter will give you the version of


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