How to copy data between widgets?

Hi all, sorry if this is a FAQ, but I've been reading the docs and I
couldn't find the answer.  Not being too fluent in english, I couldn't
find it in the archives, since I don't know what to look for.

The problem is the following.  I have a text entry, a button and a
label.  I want the label to display the text in the entry when you
press the button.

So far I've used g_signal_connect_swapped() connecting the "clicked"
signal on the button with a callback that takes a pointer to the label
as data.  But I couldn't pass more than that, so I could't pass a
string nor the text entry.

Another idea I had was passing the window in the callback and operate
on the window's children (the widgets), but I didn't find a way to go
from a widget to it's chlidren.

So i'm kind of stuck here.  I'll apreciate any pointer, link and/or
cluestick.  Thanks!!

RomÃn Gorojovsky SÃnchez

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