Re: How to detect if a glist->data is a GUINT_TO_POINTER for not freeing it ?

On Fri, 21 Apr 2006 12:11:48 +0200, Colossus <colossus 3000 it> wrote:

Hi Colossus,

I have to fill a GList with strings and unsigned long int.
The content of the GList is not always the same so I don't
know wich element is a string to free or a GUINT_TO_POINTER
don't use GUINT_TO_POINTER. Instead create manually a pointer to an
unsigned long int and allocate memory for it
unsigned long int *iptr = g_malloc(sizeof(unsigned long int));

give it some value
*iptr = 100l;

and fill the list with this value and freeing should work without
problems(but I haven't tested it).


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