Re: Re[2]: Border

On 9/19/05, Alexander S.Kresin <alex belacy belgorod su> wrote:
  And yet another question:
    are there any functions, which draws the standard header of a top
    window, so I could draw such a header for my container widget ?

No, sorry :-( The window title bar and margins are not drawn by GTK,
they are drawn by the host window system (win32, metacity, mac os x,
etc) and GTK cannot draw them.

If you want some sort of MDI, you have a few choices I think:

- use a notebook with tabs instead of floating windows (see gedit etc
for examples)

- draw your own titlebars (I just use a frame containing a couple of
buttons), eg:

  which is a bit ugly and stupid :-(

- some people have made GtkMDI widgets, but I don't know how
attractive/maintained they are


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