controlling a modem through GTK+ program

I have developed a small routine in gtk, that dials a number through a modem on click of GtkButton. The modem dials the number but the parent GtkWindow becomes unresponsive because the program control is on the modem. How do I get the control back on GtkWindow. Attached is the code.

void dialcon (char phnumber[20])
   char callroute[20];
   strcat(callroute, phnumber);
   n = write(fd, callroute, 19);
   if (n < 0)
      puts("write() of 19 bytes failed!");
   fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, FNDELAY);
   while(str[0] != 'Q')
    if(read(fd, str, 1) != -1)
      printf("%s\n", str);
} }

Please advise where am I going wrong.

Rajesh Jha

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