Re: Implementing "cpio -tv < file.cpio" with glib routines

--------- Messaggio originale --------
Da: Olivier Sessink <lists olivier pk wau nl>

1) spawn 'cpio -tv' with a pipe in and a pipe out
2) create non-blocking g_io_channels from these pipes
3) register callbacks with g_io_add_watch() for the io channels, one of
these functions should write, the other one read

Thank you, but about the cat command ? cpio -tv alone doesn't work because it needs the input from a piped 
command. Shall I spawn both ? If so what about the channels ?

you might want to look at 'external_commands.c' from the Bluefish source
code, it can process data through external commands, using pipes, fifo's
or temporary files.

Thanks for the info, I will do it !


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