Re: is there an equivalent of sscanf that uses GString as arguments?

On 14/10/05, Tim Müller <t i m zen co uk> wrote:
On Fri, 2005-10-14 at 18:11 +0100, Yiannis wrote:

is there an equivalent of sscanf that uses GString as arguments?

You could just do

 sscanf (gstring->str, "%04u-%02u-%02u", ......);
Cheers but let me clarify that... I was wondering if there was an
sscanf to do the following.... although I dont have to worry about
resizing the gchar*.
sscanf(buf->str, "%[^ =\n]%*[ =]%[^\n]", tag, value);
where tag, value would be GStrings.


-- Yiannis

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