Re: g_spawning three processes: one after another only when...

Colossus wrote:
Olivier Sessink wrote:

you could also spawn '/bin/sh cat archive.tar.bz2 |bzip2 -d | tar
--delete -v file_to_del | bzip2 > archive.tar,bz2'

There is a problem in the set of piped command above. The last filename (the one in bzip2) must be different from the first one (the one in cat) otherwise I get a bzip2 unexpected file end error.

I need the filename be the same when deleting a file from a !
Is there a workaround to the "piped version" or I'm forced to perform
the three steps I cited in my first email ?

Thank you,


Cpsed, a Linux OpenGL 3D scene editor

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