Re: Editable cells in a treeview

Will Luesley wrote:
I've got a TreeView which has four columns, one of which is editable.

There are two things I am trying to do to make editing easier for the
user, but I can't see how to achieve either:

1) Starting editing with a single click on the editable cell.  That is,
if a user clicks on the editable cell, even if the row is not selected,
editing will start.  The default behaviour is that the row must be
selected (one click) and then another click to start editing.

2) If the user completes editing by pressing return, the next row is
selected and editing is started on the new row.  The default behaviour
is to just finish editing, and leave the same row selected
remember that if your app works different then other apps, users might
actually find your app more difficult to work with. Just think of that
before you start customizing things like this.


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