Re: launching web browser

On 5/21/05, Gyözö Both <gyboth bygfoot com> wrote:
is there a good (and easy) way to launch the system's default web
browser with a given url from my gtk program?

If you're interested in cross-platform, the windows and mac
equivalents to gnome-url I've discovered are:

#ifdef WIN32
        char url2[FILENAME_MAX];
        int v;

        expand_variables( url, url2 );
        v = (int) ShellExecute( NULL, "open", url2, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL );
        if( v <= 32 ) {
                error_top( _( "Unable to open location." ) );
                error_sub( _( "Unable to open URL \"%s\", "
                        "windows error code = %d." ), url, v );
                box_alert( par );
#elif defined MAC_OSX
        static gboolean shown = FALSE;

        (void) systemf( "open %s", url );

        if( !shown ) {
                box_info( par, _( "Browser window opened." ),
                        _( "Opened window for URL:\n"
                        "  %s\n"
                        "This may take a few seconds." ), url );
                shown = TRUE; 
#else /*unix-y*/

(experts probably know something better)


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