Re: gtk text entry

thanks a lot for the mail and link,

  i tried with my application, now i have one more doubt, i have my main
window "window_ssnew", and my gtk entry text "entry_name", and "next"

"entry_name" and "next" button are on different frames on
"window_ssnew". as i am using glade i used like,

sst_file_sel = create_window_ssnew ();
entry_name = lookup_widget (sst_file_sel, "entry_name");
text = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY(entry_name));

remaining i followed according to the link u send to me.

now the pbm is i can't able to get the text typed in entry and itz not
printing to the console. it'z not at all going to if loop.

am i referring the exact widget by the above procedure.

thanks for replying once again and expecting the same;



On Wed, 2005-05-18 at 22:54, Maciej Katafiasz wrote:
Dnia 18-05-2005, Åro o godzinie 08:52 +0200, Maciej Katafiasz napisaÅ:
Try the attached programme.

D'oh, mailman seems to be stripping attachments off. Here's the URL


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