Re: A litle problem with RGB images


Am Sonntag, den 15.05.2005, 10:50 +0300 schrieb oldmarti mail bg:
In the past, I wrote a program ( in DOS), to display a
signal collected from ADC. I use 2 video pages - 1 is
visible, second is hidden (to draw), and switch they very
fast. The result is very smooth animated graphic. Now i try
to convert my program on Linux. But the picture isn't very
good. The graphic start blinking. Becouse my program is too
large, I write some little example to show my idea:

      gtk_widget_show_all (window);

      /* set timeout function - 20 times per second */
      handler = g_timeout_add(1000/20, timeout_func, draw_area);

if you use this function you have to remind some things:
(1) you are in a multitasking environment; that means it is not
guarantied that the callback function is called every 50ms: it is called
in about 50ms +/- some time!
(2) your application isn't alone when it communicates with the Xlib.
That means a delay in drawing wigdets or bitmaps. It doesn't work "just
in time"

To solve such a problem your application should be multithreaded and the
thread that does the calculation and that thread which does the output
should run at priority level "realtime". Then it should work better.

Best regards


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