Re: GtkTextView horizontal seperators...

On Tue, 2005-05-10 at 18:38 -0400, Freddie Unpenstein wrote:
I was wondering if anyone knows how I could draw a horizontal red
line across a GtkTextView buffer.
The best solution I found was to just draw directly onto the view
through the expose-event using drawable.draw_line etc.
Ahhh.....  I think that may be what I was waiting for...
You wouldn't happen to have the code snippit you used to bind the line to a particular point in the text 
buffer, would you?  I haven't done a lot with GtkTextView's, so that would be quite handy...

Here's the code. I use python (gui coding in C makes me itch), but the C
analog should be obvious.


Stephen Kennedy <stevek gnome org> visual diff and merge

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