Re: int problems on amd64

On Tue, Mar 29, 2005 at 01:37:47PM +0200, Fabio Rotondo wrote:

I have just switched to a brand new AMD 64, but I am experiencing some
problems in compiling my software.
Basically, gcc complains that my "int" is smaller than "void *" and that
the cast is dangerous. I know that int is just 32bit while "void *" on
AMD64 is 64bit but this is quite a problem :-(

I'm using GTK+ on FreeBSD 5.3 amd64 without problems. Any program
casting int to void* is b0rken.

Expecially, functions like setjmp() takes an int as argument and this is
*wrong* given the 64bit addressing.

I don't think using setjmp and longjmp on GTK+ is such a good idea. For
long-running processing, use timeout or idle funtions or threads if you must.

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