behaviour of combobox since 2.6...


I switched from gtk+2.4 to gtk+-2.6.4 (using fabulous win32 version by

There are at least 2 new things concerning combobox which make life
a bit harder:

* Having many entries and, a combox near to the screen's edge, the
  combobox first shows a half empty box, then is slowly scrolling all
  entries into it, sometimes gets stuck in the middle when trying to
  fasten the scroll process by clicking the scroll arrow...

* The combobox list/menu sometimes remains on screen after the first
  click, but sometimes also collapses at once if you dont keep the mouse
  button pressed.

Can I somehow make the combobox

* stay opened till the second click is performed / not collaps

* show all entries at once (since the last selected item is lost
  anyway due to the scrolling thing, see above) ?

Thank You


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