Re: glib and XML

On Fri, 2005-03-04 at 15:01 +0100, Maciej Katafiasz wrote:
Dnia 04-03-2005, piÄ o godzinie 12:35 +0100, Iago Rubio napisaÅ:
On Thu, 2005-03-03 at 16:24 -0400, Andrà Pedralho wrote:
I took it as correct cause it is auto-generated by another third
famous application! So... Is there an HTML parser?
You need a non validating XML parser.
Non-validating != accepting crap, or something that isn't XML.
Funny to see you just sniped where I said exactly the same as you.

"I don't know if it'll be able to
cope with the crappy output you showed us"

"Validating" refers to process of comparing parsed XML tree to template
described by DTD / Schema, not to checking for syntactic validity.
You're wrong. 

That's one layer on validation - the last one - but validation starts
with syntax checking  indeed. 

If not it would be impossible validate standalone XML, with no Schema
nor DTD. 


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