Re: glib and XML

On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 03:51:23PM -0400, André Pedralho wrote:
I'm building an app that uses the GLib simple XML subset parser
but I'm getting a problem at this!
My XML has some recursions e.g.

1 <DL>
2    <DT>some text
3    <A HREF=some url>some name</A>
4    <DT>some text
5    <DL>
6       <A HREF=another url>another name</A>
7       <DT>some text
8     </DL>
9     <DT>some text
10   <A HREF=some url>some name</A>
11 </DL>

How can you see, there is a <DL> (line 5) tag inside a <DL> (line 1) tag!
But I get a parse error when the </DL> (line 8) is found!
This is not a well-formed XML (read: this is not XML).  In
XML, all tags have to be closed (or empty, which is
a special case of closed).  So the structure actually is

   <DT>some text
     <A HREF=some url>some name</A>
     <DT>some text
         <A HREF=another url>another name</A>
         <DT>some text
         ^^^^^ Wrong, trying to close <DL>, but
               <DT> is the currently open tag.


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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