Re: strangeness of g_signal_connect

On Mon, Jul 25, 2005 at 09:18:57AM -0700, Colossus wrote:
g_signal_connect ((gpointer) AddFile_button, "clicked",
                    G_CALLBACK (on_add_files_activate),

I have noticed that if the function "on_add_files_activate" is 
declared with only one parameter, gpointer data , I never receive the 
word dummy. Instead if  the same function is declared with two parameters:

void on_add_files_activate ( GtkWidget *useless , gpointer data);
I can successfull print the value "dummy" pointed by data.

Could gtk developers explain this strange behaviour please ?

There's nothing strange about this behaviour.

The first argument of signal handlers is alwasy the object that
emitted the signal, user_data is the last.  If you want
user_data as the first argument, use g_signal_connect_swapped().
Please read the Gtk+ tutorial.

The fact C functions may be called with more arguments than
declared (though it's still error in ANSI C if you do that
without typecast) is just a side-effect of C calling


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