Re: Question: Making a Gtk+ application interacts with octave

Thank you for the response. I think I haven't been as clear as can bee in
my previous mail.

I'd like to do this "from Octave" (as a script or in the Octave's command
0.       % this is a Octave script:
1.       gtk_imshow (x, r,c);
2.       pause
3.       gtk_imshow (x.*2, r,c);
4.       pause
5.       gtk_imshow (a_beautiful_filter(x), r,c);

Where x is a r x c matrix.   r,c = # of rows and columns.

gtk_imshow will call Gtk+ application to show the x image.
Now I can call a Gtk+ application from Octave but I'd like the Gtk+
application to:

  - Not to die when the image is shown.
  - Be able to represent another image in the same created window.
  - Die with another command from Octave ...

  - One time the user has called gtk_imshow from Octave's command shell,
the control returns to the Octave's prompt (how can I do this?)
  - The present Octaves's imshow implementation do this:

I think the question is more clear now. If not let me know please.
I'm very interesting in do this little application.

Thanks in advance !

Antonio Martinez Alvarez

Why would you need threads ?

I assume your syntax would look something like this:
GtkWindow *window;

window = create_window(); // Creates a GtkWindow with a child
                           // GtkDrawingArea (or whatever you're using)

/* ... */

gtk_imshow (window, x, r,c);
/* pause */
gtk_imshow (window, x.*2, r,c);
/* pause */
gtk_imshow (window, a_beautiful_filter(x), r,c);

The only tricky part is to know when is the appropriate time
to create & destroy your window.


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