Re: starting up the app

Sorry.  I wasn't clear.
I understand that's how to get them to go. I planned on emitting a signal, or even just calling the function directly. But my question is how to automatically call it one time and only one time after the windows are set up, since the app is in its main loop and only responds to events.

The only thing I can think of is to have a mouse motion event and a flag that says whether it's been called or not. When the user touches the mouse, if it hasn't happened yet, the open dialog comes up, and the flag get set so it doesn't happen again. But that's REALLY cheesy.

Is there some kind of signal or event that happens when the gtk app is finished setting up that says "ok. ready to go" ?


On Jan 30, 2005, at 3:16 AM, Gian Mario Tagliaretti wrote:

On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 19:10:05 -0600, Brian Clark <bc viz tamu edu> wrote:

When my application runs, after it sets up all the windows, et cetera,
I want it to go directly to the "Open File" dialog box, as if the
button to trigger this was pressed.

You can emit the "clicked" signal of the button: signal-emit

or run the open file dialog: run

What's the best way to do this?

I don't know if is the best way but it should work.



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