Re: Win32 and GTK+

Matthew Yaconis wrote:
What do you think is the chance of MS Windows doing something dastardly
that would cause GTK+ and libglade to not function on a Win32 platform in
the future?

This is kind of a shot in the dark question...

I'm more concerned with TCPA or whatever they have renamed it now and
patents.  I seriously doubt they will bother to do anything nasty about
GTK+ as it is way to minor a problem for M$ on its own.  Their concern
is the competitors as the whole, FOSS included.

If you meant a non-targeted change that would dump Windows GTK+ port,
I've read somewhere that Longhorn will be based fully on some 3D engine
(including the normal windowing system.)  However, even if this is the
case, I doubt they will drop backward compatibility for GUI API.


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