Re: GTK 2.6 - gtk_cell_renderer_combo_new example

On, Tue Feb 08, 2005, Stephane Raimbault wrote:


I search some examples using the new API gtk_cell_renderer_combo_new.

I sucessful wrote an example for gtk_cell_renderer_progress but after
many hours I still don't know how to use a combo_box in a tree view.

GTK 2.6.2 sources, google and don't help me.

You can find it in function create_lesson_param_tree (learnSession *session).

I used an own gtk_cell_renderer_combo based on the one shipped with
gtkgrid for Gtk-2.4, but it seems to be nearly the same as the one in
Gtk-2.6.x, so you surely can give it a try.


We don't understand the software, and sometimes we don't understand the 
hardware, but we can *see* the blinking lights!

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