GtkCellRendererText use of 'markup' and 'attributes' property

Hi guys,

I need to know how flexible is the GtkCellRenderText object to provide high formatted text. I can see in the API documentation that some Pango attributes are allowed but I have a conflict with two of them:
1. markup: Matthias listed this property as 'use-markup' in his recent 
book and described it as "Pango formats text written into this property" 
which honestly I do not understand the description at all. The API has 
an even less descriptive sentence (at least for me). Does anyone can 
explain me what does this property do?
2. attributes: I really can understand this property, this is the code I 
am using:
   PangoAttrList       *pango_format;
   PangoAttribute    *attr;
attr = pango_attr_foreground_new(0, 0, 255); pango_format = pango_attr_list_new();
   pango_attr_list_insert(pango_format, attr);

                "mode", GTK_CELL_RENDERER_MODE_INERT,
                "markup", "<span style=\"italic\">Obli</span>",
                "attributes", pango_format,
/* create column views */
   num_column    = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes("Numeral",
"text", INT_COLUMN,

Hope someone can give an advice.


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