Re: gobject + diacanvas = i really please for help here

On Tue, 2005-12-27 at 13:52 +0100, Przemysław Staniszewski wrote:

 First of all, sorry for my poor English.
It is understandable.

 I want write an application. I try, but I create a monster not a
program. So I decide to start once again. When I was writing first
version of it, I put every object that I created to tree of widget.
Purpose for that was that: if action had place and specific widget (and
his children) was target, he was found in widget tree and after reading
associate properties with hem I know what I can do with him. And That
was Wrong way to do it. I know, I lost much time. And now I want to
really understood what magic happens under the hood.
I suggest you practice a little with some simple gtk+ or gnome programs,
and use the excellent online tutorials, like and

The folks on this mailing list probably do not have very much
information on using diacanvas, so maybe study any code at
for that.

Good luck, let us know what you think of DiaCanvas2 after your success.

  // Wally

Your eyes are weary from staring at the CRT.  You feel sleepy.  Notice
how restful it is to watch the cursor blink.  Close your eyes.  The   
opinions stated above are yours.  You cannot imagine why you ever felt

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