Re: How I can add some properties to object without touching it

05-12-20, PrzemysÅaw Staniszewski <ihi marzyciel wp pl> napisaÅ(a):

 I wonder about something like in topic. I have dia-canvas-box.c, but I
want to add one more properties like gchar *name. I want to make gobject
child of dia-canvas-box but i don't know how :( . My konwledge is poor
so i was copy first file, replace such string (like box) into another
(like box_tex) and add gchar *name into header, of course some functions
to set and get this property. But what is the correct way to make that work?

Something happy here: :)

1. First of all propably you shouldn't overload all methods but get it
from parent class(DiaCanvasBox here).

2.  Sources of gnome library - may be it's there(Try to create
GtkColorButton and change some GtkButton property).

3. If it doesn't have to be a property simply add child class and
...get/set_name functions.


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