Events and derived objects

    I'm using in my application a subclassed object (a subclass of HBox) that contains a TextView widget (and 
some other things not relevant here).

    What I'd like to do, with regard to key presses, is the following:
    1. Almost all basic keys (letters, cursor movement, etc) should still be handled by the TextView so that 
it behaves normally.
    2. A couple of keys would be captured by the derived object itself (notably, ENTER will have a special 
action), and do some internal action.
    3. Everything else should be propagated so that the user of this derived widget can connect a handler to 
"key-press-event" and add special actions for even more keys.

    I've achieved capturing some specials keys, but letting everything else work as normally in the TextView 
by connecting a handler to a key-press-event of the TextView inside the derived widget's implementation, but 
I have'nt discovered how to propagate keys unhandled by the TextView itself or by my special handler to the 

Eduardo M Kalinowski
ekalin bol com br

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