Looking for example to draw a simple red text on my GtkDrawable

Hi together,
I (only) want to draw a red text "Example" or whatever in the middle of a GtkDrawable.
First I looked at gdk_draw_text.
I did not find out how to draw a text in a specific color.
And the other problem is that the documentation says that it is deprecated.
I should use Pango rendering.
But I got lost somewhere between PangoFontDefintions etc. etc. and did not find an example with google.
Who can explain me how to use Pango or whatever for my purpose?

Thanks für tips, Bernd

Bernd Münt                   Durchwahl: 030/69032-509
euroscript Deutschland GmbH  Zentrale:  030/69032-300
Abteilung IT-Management      Fax:       030/69032-505
Alt-Moabit 91                Mail:      Bernd Muent euroscript de
10559 Berlin                 Web:       http://www.euroscript.de

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